A two-word answer would be "healthy eating".As a nutritionist, let me say that all the junk food is not good for your health.Even the butter, oil and cheese are fine. By junk food, I mean mostly fried stuff and food that has little or no nutrition compared to the amount of calories it contains. Thus, for example, a bottle of a beverage with gas, such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi or beer also be classified as junk because hardly contain any nutrition, but have hundreds of calories.I will explain why the so-called "junk food" is bad for the body and health.
When we eat food, our body expects the nutrition and energy (calories). Both must be present in food. If one of them is absent, our body gets confused and does not know what to do with the food we have eaten. In the confusion, calories derived are directly converted into fat and stored.Similarly, when we eat zero calorie products (such as sweeteners), again our body gets confused and stomach signals still hungry (because he received power). Therefore, avoid junk food and zero-calorie food.To lose weight, start eating healthy foods.Healthy foods equivalent to 2,000 calories a day is a good start. 2000 calories is the quantum of energy that our body needs daily to sustain. If you eat less than 2,000 calories of food per day, your body will break down stored fat and convert it into energy to make up the deficit and will end up losing weight. However, be warned that the maximum deficit should be no more than 300 calories per day. If the amount of food that you eat less than 1700 calories per day, your body will break down protein (muscle) instead of fat to make up the deficit. Although you still lose weight, you lose weight the wrong type, ie muscle rather than fat.Professionally, I would recommend that you eat 2,000 calories of food per day and then walk 4-5 miles a day. This will use about 300 calories of energy and to offset the deficit, your body will use stored fat and lose weight.You may be surprised, but evenoil, butter, cheese and sweet when consumed in small amounts are good for your body.Fats can be good - a balanced meal means that everything should be included. The answer to your question, "What to eat to lose weight?" As, eating any unwanted calories nonzero and eat in moderation. Do not exceed 2,000 calories per day and walking exercise 4 or 5 miles a day, so you use 300 calories of energy per day. Every day you will use 300 calories from fat and it will become thinner and lighter.
all the diseases that are in the world is made by feeding 3 thing or water or air