What to Eat to Lose Weight

A two-word answer would be "healthy eating".As a nutritionist, let me say that all the junk food is not good for your health.Even the butter, oil and cheese are fine. By junk food, I mean mostly fried stuff and food that has little or no nutrition compared to the amount of calories it contains. Thus, for example, a bottle of a beverage with gas, such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi or beer also be classified as junk because hardly contain any nutrition, but have hundreds of calories.I will explain why the so-called "junk food" is bad for the body and health.

How to Lose Water Weight

Many times I have encountered this situation myself without binging or anything, jeans that fit perfectly last week I suddenly seem to be a little too tight this week. Fortunately, being a professional in the field of nutrition, I realize that the answer is water retention.First, let's look at what water retention and why it happens.

Can You Lose Weight by Walking

Yes, you can lose weight by walking or for that matter, you can lose weight through any other exercise, therefore always also back up to a healthy diet.Any exercise we do uses energy. Energy consumed (through food) or extended through the year is calculated in calories

How Green Smoothies Help Us Lose Weight

I love green smoothie, because not only is easy on the digestive system, which are very easy to do - just take any fresh greens (which can be eaten raw) and mixed with any fruit of your choice. My favorite is the baby spinach with apples. The result is a mixture of light green that not only has a delicious aroma to it, it tastes fabulous and is a great revitalization-and-get-me-go drink with enormous health benefits.A green smoothie is a health drink that you can do at home, mixing your choice of raw leafy greens

Calorie Intake to Lose Weight

All human activity requires energy. For this reason the United States has recommended that the average adult (but not do anything more than touch a touchscreen or pressing buttons on a remote control), you need between 1,500 and 2,000 calories of energy. This is the energy you need to walk, talk, think and take a bath or whatever. This is the bare minimum energy needs and therefore can be safely considered as the intake of calories to maintain minimum activity level and weight.

How Does Water Help You Lose Weight

Water is life! It is an essential part of our body and the adult human body consists of between 60 and 70% water. Drinking lots of water will help you lose weight as well as gain weight. Confused? Let us explain how water interacts with your body.

Checklist For Choosing The Best Weight Loss Diets For Women

Do you want to lose weight?

So you're ready to start your new diet and lose that extra fat that has accumulated? The next question in your mind would surely be how often you can eat while following your diet? Like you, there are thousands of women trying to lose weight and wondered the same thing. There are plenty of stories we hear about eating more than 3 times a day, that eating about 5 small meals a day is better. We will discuss some things to consider when choosing the best weight loss diet for women and get the results as soon as possible.
Are you making sure you have the right diet for your body type?